Sunday, September 15, 2013 White Light

Prana is the basic animating force of the universe. It is the "chi", the life-force, the vitality of all things that exist. It is the energy within atoms; the consciousness of sub-atomic particles, the spiritual within the material. A decrease of prana is degeneration. White Light enhances prana and removes all drains to prana, thus increasing vitality. It stimulates life-force in the body, the home, the business. White Light is also an etheric cleanser. Combine with Aura Spritz to remove unwanted energy from yourself, your jewelry and objects, your room.

To bring light/vitality to the brain, combine with Bright Brain.

To bring light/vitality to the immune system, combine with Bright Immunity.

To bring light/vitality to the chakras, combine with Chakra Tonic.

To bring light/vitality to the aura, combine with Aura Spritz.

To bring light/vitality to the life, combine with Gold Light.

To bring light/vitality to the world, combine with Green Light.

To bring light/vitality to the universe, combine with Love Light.

To bring light/vitality to the darkness, combine with Implant Cleanse.

See also Clean House Spritz.