Sunday, August 18, 2013 Green Light

Dis-harmony is the basis of dis-ease. Imbalance is the basis of trauma. Health on the physical, emotional/mental, spiritual levels is based on harmony and balance. Green Light is the great harmonizer. It works internally/ externally; personally/inter-personally. It balances any condition/situation. Green Light affects both the present and the future, thus it is a great preventer of dis-ease on any level and in any realm. It is a very important remedy for anyone wishing to transition to a more peaceful future.

Green Light is excellent for healers, politicians/diplomats, contract negotiators, care-givers, large families, anyone over-worked or who abuses his health. It is important during legal battles.

Green Light is a prayer that our mis-spent past may not be the basis of our future. Green Light is a prayer for universal peace. Liberal use of Green Light will reward you many times over.